VOD can ensure ad success

VOD has provided businesses and broadcasters with a further faculty to showcase brands, promotions and creative concert that can be attributable and credible.

While online has long been mired in issues regarding regulation, dependability and fraud, TV has provided the advertising solution that is not only credible, but the most successful means of reaching mass markets.

However should your business be seeking a more temporal, promotion centric ad, or are a niche entity looking to establish rapport with consumers cost-efectively, VOD provides the advertising panacea for you.

Although overall scale is inhibited by this means of advertising, the multiplier effect of utilising a TV associated entity can provide unbridled word of mouth awareness to further the organic presence of your brand.

Especially when utilising a more transparent, data driven means of advertising, focusing on the viewing behaviours of your consumers, ensuring your interaction is complimentary to the mood and emotive stimulants of the consumer.

Of course this can be assisted through the means of the creative that utilises the semantics that will resonate with them.

While this is compromised without the presence of ad inventory of your own, it can be attained through the latest innovations from Google that offer universal ad inventory that can be shared between your TV and online campaigns.

If your marketing spend can justify the inventory acquisition, the results elicited from such married campaigns ensure you can attribute and measure the effectiveness of the respective ad styles concurrently and in realtime.

Through VOD and data-driven media buying you can ensure sales increases and realtime measurability, boosting
Through VOD and data-driven media buying you can ensure sales increases and realtime measurability, facilitating inventory procurement.

Of course if you have your own customer accrued inventory, using their buying or KPI matching patterns to target the viewing habits of the those utilising the data collated with providers such as Hulu or Tivo for instance.

While there has been one incidence of prosecution thus far regarding the mishandling of consumer data and passing it on to third parties, with Vizio being fined $2.2 million, the lack of commercial and moral incentive to deploy such means of deceit has invigorated the clamour for greater regulation to grow the digital/TV merger.

Ensuring consumers, business and agencies employ transparency within all of their processes is imperative.

As customers like brands seek real-time clarity, while maintaining a degree of security throughout their online buying and browsing behaviour, ensuring such regulation exists in law will provide the statutory robustness to allow consumers not to adulterate their online behaviour.

Moreover the inherent regulation and resulting credibility that exists through TV can be replicated through the nuances of VOD.

Although it is not a legal requirement for ads being aligned to VOD content to undergo statutory clearance, providers can utilise the same clearance providers such as Clearcast to advise on the compliance of their content.

As such given that the power of TV advertising in itself provides the most efficient advertising campaigns, both in terms of sales and brand resonance, utilising VOD and its ability to harness your desired consumers as and when they are explicitly engrossed in the media that your advertising is aligned to, will provide the ultimate low cost, high impact solution.

Whether you seek to utilise VOD as a singular entity or ally it to your TV and other digital campaigns, the cost-effectiveness, ROI and sales are stimulated by the added presence of TV derived content, aligned to the transparency of online measurability.

Utilising VOD will ensure you increasing ROI and improving the ailing credibility of online.
Utilising VOD will ensure you are increasing ROI and improving the ailing credibility of online.

By adding VOD with TV to your advertising portfolio, you will initially enjoy sales increases of 36%, compared to just 27% without VOD.

The benefits of using VOD though are not limited to the ability to accrue more sales, by virtue of your ability to analyse the success of this means of advertising realtime and attribute it, you can make your job as either a marketeer and/or decision maker easier.

Additionally the data provided to you through advertising via VOD, will ensure your ad inventory can be proliferated with clarity for less, ensuring you can utilise other digital means of advertising your brand in future with your own data driven inventory.

While this benefits the efficiency of both your more linear TV and online campaigns as you seek to exploit other previously unfettered means of communication, your ability to even monetise and control who views your content is enhanced.

94% of all viewed video originates from TV, but just 10% of the most viewed ads online are TV original.

Thus ensuring your content bridges the gap between TV and online through VOD will immediately improve resonation and long-term sales success.

Space City has been producing TV, online and radio commercials for 25 years, utilising training and accreditations from Clearcast to boost the credibility of your ads for less.

Contact the team now and utilise TV advertising to provide a creative you can copyright and hold license of, ensuring your brand is original to you.

KPI achievement is an entirely objective requirement to any commercial venture, the ability to maximise it though is becoming ever easier.

In an increasingly convergence centric advertising and marketing world, where digital, TV, outdoor and print to an extent are striving to provide creative concert that entertains and harvests as high an audience level as possible, the clamour for attribution, scale and quantifiable success has driven businesses to a more digitalised mindset.

While TV throughout this process has continued to provide short and long-term sales uplifts and profit increases, with one of our clients at Space City enjoying 600% sales increases, online has thus far singularly provided the attribution and actionable data to analyse and manipulate.

Furthermore the lack of specific targeting has led to many businesses across the spectrum migrating to online, to provide the campaigns that can be driven by genuine consumer behaviours.

Although this ultimately assists at a practical level, the fact has long remained that TV is the more powerful entity at generating consumers, trust, rapport and positive associations.

For instance when you are broadcasting on linear TV- or even on-demand- the content that is being viewed is to a captive audience to an extent, they are immersed in media consumption.

With online PPC, banner ads, or even Youtube campaigns the material is inherently more disruptive to the desired audience, while your control of the mood or context in which your ad is displayed is compromised.

Through cookie-driven, online advertising you can optimise and have control over who your ad is displayed to based on either your own, or sub-contracted inventory provider, however you are not aligning your content per se to a connotational medium that aligns with your brand ethos.

Your KPI achievement will be optimised in the long and short-term through TV.
Your KPI achievement will be optimised in the long and short-term through TV.

To optimise your KPI though, ensuring that your content is displayed contextually with material that appeases the existing and general mindset and morality of your audience is imperative.

With linear TV advertising the main inhabitation was not eliciting KPI achievement, but ensuring that ROI was optimised, notwithstanding the attribution which was opaque at times.

With programmatic, interactive and addressable advertising you can essentially utilise the benefits of TV, while allied to the measurability and attribution of online.

Whether your KPIs consist of sales, website visits, newsletter signups, follows on social media or other conversions, you will ultimately yield this through resonation.

While online can utilise algorithms in Google or other search engines to monitor search activity and forge a device-based understanding off particular consumers, to ensure that you are contextually resonating TV provides the only transparent solution.

Whether you are buying through linear TV for mass awareness and engagement, or for more guaranteed KPI achievement through programmatic, you can guarantee that your audience will be matched more personally through broadcasts, shows or films that will resonate with your consumers personal data.

Moreover given the fact that analytic software that now exists from media buyers themselves, as well as Google that provide realtime, actionable data that can match with your online inventory to provide direct cross-comparisons between the KPI achievement of your respective campaigns.

With TV now providing in its evolving digitalised guise, a more granular data format that can be directly attributed to specific campaigns, the imperative for TV to act as your generator of interest and sales will ultimately serve to assist the effectiveness of your online campaign’s ability to harvest those consumers.

As well as optimising your KPI achievement, TV can provide the most cost effective means of generating inventory.
As well as optimising your KPI achievement, TV can provide the most cost effective means of generating inventory.

Given the fact that 47% of all paid media driven website visits are elicited from TV, while only 33% of budget is dedicated to it underlines the fact that businesses are wasting vast quantities of finance for no reason.

Therefore by plying more into the means of advertising that can now deliver the attributable resonance with your brand, you can create the connotational associations that will ensure long-term sales potential.

Conversely through this tact of advertising, especially if you are a niche business, you can create the brand affirmation that will ensure you can secure the conversions to your website that can lead to newsletter sign ups, retargeting and positive brand recognition as a result of the control you have over your TV advertising campaigns.

Of those businesses who have already utilised addressable advertising, 57% are not only going to continue with the principle, but are also going to expand their usage of this more data driven advertising.

Therefore by prioritising the platform that can provide the greatest short and long-term brand resonance, with businesses on average increasing their profits by 140%, your ability to maintain an accurate and proliferated CRM is maximised through TV.

Space City has been producing TV, online and radio campaigns for 25 years, continuing to assist businesses in the addressable advertising world.

Contact the team now and you could enjoy reduce your advertising budget using state-of-the-art DaVinci Grading facilities kept in-house used by Steven Spielberg.

ROI is a staple of all business entities through all its faculties, with advertising though there are more organic means to foster sales success and savings.

Although the generic costs of advertising: display, media buying and creative costs are ultimately variable to your individual business prerogative, there are more cognitive means of generating brand awareness, resonation and sales that need not cost you more.

By using not only the power of language, but the power of associations, influencers and social issues your business can transcend itself into seldom seen fiscal buoyancy.

One means of generating increased ROI through the optimisation of your creative, is to focus on the proliferation of your reach through efficacious, post-TV associations.

For instance by utilising TV in the first place as your means of increasing the reach of your business, notwithstanding the inherent trust TV inhabits, you are automatically boosting both your instant sales uplifts and long-term brand resonance.

By supplementing this already successful means of advertising your brand to cognitive associations, you can begin to establish more coherent brand correlation between the context of when the ad was broadcast and how it is communicated through word-of-mouth or online.

With word-of-mouth upscaling, an average of 53% of TV ads feature in conversations post-ad, with 26% of them also providing increased discourse online, it is the context of how your ad is portrayed in these instances that will be imperative to further growth and ROI.

If you are prioritising expanding your brand image as appose to instant sales, focusing on an entertaining angle to drive your creative will assist with resonation through word-of-mouth.

Entertaining, yet social mobilising ads will improve your ROI and profit margins.
Entertaining, yet social mobilising ads will improve your ROI and profit margins.

For example if your ad focuses on more hard-hitting material, something that is emotive in a sense it drives conversation and publicity through its contention, it would not be as successful when it is spread through word-of-mouth, due in part to the connotations someone may have with the time they were informed about the ad.

If someone who had viewed your ad on TV and later told friends during what one would hope to jovial times, their association with your brand will be a more negative one, as it stymied the humour of the conversation.

Therefore to establish success in this instance the imperative will be to boost online engagement, encouraging call-to-action mechanisms that will proliferate online, driving a moral campaign through online channels that will ultimately improve your ROI.

Of course humour is not redundant in these cases, it is buoyant within both online and word-of-mouth.

If your branded ad creative focuses on humour, driving brand resonation and sales success can be fraught, however if implemented utilising influencers who can embody the ethos of your message subjectively you can avoid the averse association that will not improve ROI.

The recent Pepsi advert epitomised this distinction.

While it was attempting to exploit the social furore around the Black Lives Matter movement, what was posed as mediative method of publicity ultimately lead to mass rejection and outrage.

What Pepsi should have done is embodied their approach through the product itself and an individual, not the personnel in the ad focusing on the divisive issue in the first place; the product should garner the power through use, not trivialising the issue through its rhetoric.

Ultimately the power should be placed with the consumers and the issue involved, empowering a campaign or movement should be the crux of the ad, not diffusing the situation through the support of the devil’s advocate.

By satirising the opposition as it were, you can proliferate your campaign’s ability to resonate through both word-of-mouth and online.

Ultimately though, as long as these connotations correlate with that of your brand ethos you will ensure optimal upscaling through the multiplier effect of TV.

Connecting subjective connotations to your content will ensure that your ROI through word-of-mouth and online is enacted.
Connecting subjective connotations to your content will ensure that your ROI through word-of-mouth and online is enacted.

Such subjective context will be miscarried if your campaign does not align with the metanarrative, or your means of communication is ambiguous.

Thus by discharging your advertising of this and forming a subjective context that will shape the perception of your brand in whatever guise you choose to use: humorous, professional, inspiring and aspirational, you will be able to optimise your ROI through the multiplier effect of TV.

Through mobilising current or ongoing issues or causes of contention, you can increase your chances of resonating with those you may not have targeted, with 70% of millennials stating they would buy products that championed causes.

As a result, as appose to utilising physical influencers as an alternative marketing source, you can become an influencer in yourself as a business due to attachment to something social, extricating yourself from a pure business prerogative.

More consumers engage with emotive content, something or a cause they personally resonate with, with ads that focus on emotive content enjoying up to 50% increases in optimal business effects compared to persuasive ads.

By allying these common techniques of boosting engagement, long-term affirmation and sales to the likely associations your consumers will have with your ad socially and when sharing with friends, you can create an entirely subjective means of attracting consumers to your business.

Space City has been producing TV, online and radio commercials for 25 years, ensuring that context and clarity was key as we provided the key to 600% business growth.

Contact the team now and utilise the experience of the UK’s most experienced TV commercial production to boost your ROI in 2017 and beyond.

GOOGLE Is launching its second TV and online ad matching service to provide a single vessel for those looking to manage their ad campaigns simultaneously.

By utilising this singular conduit of data your campaigns can theoretically be cross-compared in realtime if you are operating concurrent online and TV campaigns.

This will result in a sub-paradigm shift with that of desiring analytic attribution and scale of audience, to a new one that will embody the competition and diversification between media buyers, production companies and inventory holders.

Although this is not a new ethos in advertising and how you quantify success, it does provide a breakthrough solution for those seeking to marry identical inventory to juxtaposing advertising platforms.

As a result your business will be able to transparently compare the efficiency and effectiveness of the two combined.

Although this would seemingly provide a form of advertising automation and measurement that will monopolise and cause a marketing plateau, it will in fact form the catalyst for improved cost-effectiveness in media buying, quality of advertising content and shift more power away from agencies themselves and broadcasters.

Furthermore with the increased power of utilising VOD in your advertising to improve targeting, display and cost, the need any arrogance those currently at the top may use to subjugate businesses into paying inflated fees for broadcast will be stymied.

Google themselves know such a means of advertising will precipitate such a flurry of volatility in a once stable advertising industry, ensuring though a true meritocratic order will be established once more.

Google has re-established itself as an industry innovator and leader, ensuring TV becomes more scale and attribution dependant.
Google has re-established itself as an industry innovator and leader, ensuring TV becomes more scale and attribution dependant.

While Google will once more harbour a niche that can invigorate their ailing PR in the face of the extremist content scandal, they can now inhabit the inherent credibility of TV while continuing to evolve and dictate the direction of global advertising.

Previously this led to the damning prophecy foretelling the end of TV advertising, but the suffix that did not follow this assertion was that of: as we know it.

Of course TV advertising will ultimately evolve in its creative, buying and display direction as it attempts to provide renewed accessibility, versatility and reach, but all advertising will ultimately follow suit.

Google’s solution to the problem will provide renewed competition for buyers aside from them, with other private entities having to offer a creative driven solutions for success that will incentivise production companies.

While previously an agency could provide a proliferation of competition between production companies to vie for their contacts and links to new clients, it will be such businesses that rise to the fore as they provide the justification of advertising aside from Google, where up to 50% of media buying budget could be saved through the auction based system.

Although that in itself could deter some from risking missing out on their preferred broadcast slots, it is in fact the inventory you will be sacrificing from this system, whereby if this cannot be garnered from an exterior company, focusing on other means of advertising interactively on TV will garner similar results, if not as transparent with your online campaign.

Google has conferred more power to the consumer and your business, as you strive to produce ads that are tailored to your businesses.
Google has conferred more power to the consumer and your business, as you strive to produce ads that are tailored to your customers.

Thus at a time where TV is becoming more accessible to new businesses and SMEs, agencies will have to migrate some what obsequiously towards production companies as they seek to provide content that can lend itself to the low-cost model feasible with Google’ DoubleClick mechanism.

As a result the value production companies hold to agencies will increase given the shift towards sales generating, audience multiplying content that will offer alternative persuasion to that of the lower cost inventory provided by Google.

This will initially transform the interactive, addressable and programmatic media buying market, as the latest shift putting the power back in those generating creative that delivers persists.

Furthermore it will begin to shift the pattern of traditional media buying and ad production, with the clamour for measurability, reach and attribution in tandem increasingly tangible for those advertising interactively.

Therefore as your business seeks to develop more in-depth CRMs that dictate your advertising direction, the quality and approval of advertising will continue to improve, with the continual shift away from intrusive, disruptive advertising ceasing.

In order to generate the correlations between your respective ad performances, your content will have to be increasingly audience and technical based.

Space City has been producing TV, online and radio commercials or 25 years, steering myriad brands through numerous technological and fiscal periods to find success.

Contact the team now and utilise the creative force behind businesses like GoCompare, Moonpig, MoneySupermarket and Envirofone as they became national giants.

GLOBAL Tacts to advertising will safeguard any drops in your domestic productivity as you strive to deliver consistently efficient campaigns.

In the wake of the result of the first ballot for the forthcoming French Presidential election, the news that Emmanuel Macron was leading Marine Le Pen prompted sharp rises in the strength of the French Stock Exchange, notwithstanding a Euro situating at a five-month-high.

Given this economic momentum has been established so transiently and through no actual fiscal policy change, the perennially reactive markets underline how powerful DRTV could be within peak economic periods, in a global context.

While brand response advertising provides a constant level of recognition and resonation for your business, DRTV can be skewed to provide temporary offers and promotions that will provide increased sales uplifts.

By departing from a rigid marketing plan on a promotional level at least, you can utilise the power, transparency and versatility of the data driven, digitalised metrics that can provide fresh accessibility to TV advertising.

If for instance you take a modular, promotion driven stance nationally for instance, you are ultimately wasting marketing budget that would translate to net profit if you opt for a more international marketing tact.

More companies are choosing to re-edit existing ads, tweaking content and the accompanying visuals graphics and legal text to conform to either new brand ethos’, or regulatory requirements from other countries.

In the case of the latter, where for instance your content may not have even been viewed previously in an alternative country to where your initial ad was broadcast in, simple visual and audio tweaks can provide compliant, credible solutions for less.

Taking your brand to a global audience is inexpensive and will boost your business' efficiency.
Taking your brand to a global audience is inexpensive and will boost your business’ efficiency.

To produce an entirely original piece of advertising content most production companies or agencies would charge more than £10,000.

When compared to the costs of re-editing existing content and enhancing it either visually or audibly, you will save at least £6,000.

Although a cost is incurred to a degree and is particularly risky amid such economic transience, ensuring versions are in place to provide solutions for consumers in nations where you could profit from both low export fees, in turn with shipping costs to provide your company with policy proof profit.

While this can pose logistical issues if your business is purely national based; in terms of delivery of products and volume of stock or products available, if you are a business entity that provides products or services that can either be sold globally, or if you are a multi-national business already, the effectiveness of producing new versions will ensure your ROI proliferates.

Therefore in any case, to showcase your brand in new markets will enable you to have constant mobility of cash flow.

With a global presence and emphasis on DRTV outside of your core brand awareness markets, the inherent credibility of TV worldwide will provide you with sales uplifts by focusing on automated campaigns when fiscal behaviour dictates.

For instance with competitive currency and stock markets that are constantly evolving and devolving, with versions in place to activate you will have the ability to maximise all peaks in the global economic spectrum.

By restricting your success to the interminable buoyancy of domestics markets, consumer spending habits and currency, your own business activity will accentuate any market volatility that persists in the UK.

By taking your brand to a global audience you can not only bring increased stability to your business, but to the wider economy too.
By taking your brand to a global audience you can not only bring increased stability to your business, but to the wider economy too.

As a result by plying more resources in maximising any buoyancy in the export market, you can safeguard your results on a domestic level, providing increased stability nationally and a continual resistance of both stock and currency based volatility.

Practically to execute such an advertising tacts on a relatively global scale, the need to diversify your media buying toward a more programmatic or interactive is imperative for such a operation to succeed.

Firstly the need to foster a relationship with media buying providers that will facilitate this form of advertising is manifest.

Hulu for instance are currently marrying their inventory and matching it with on-demand providers to ensure advertising solutions are available at concurrent times, but on separate channels, with buying mobilised through data.

Thus by matching your own or external inventory to your desired advertising destination, you will have transparency concerning how and when your ad will be broadcast.

As a result should your reactionary approach to DRTV take too long to formulate and produce, you have versions waiting to be broadcast, ensuring a proactive reactionary solution is prevalent.

Space City utilises its own state-of-the-art DaVinci Grading and editing software to provide Hollywood clarity for less, with new ads available for less than £4,000.

Contact the team now and maximise 25 years worth of advertising experience to enjoy renewed marketing success in 2017 and beyond.

PERFORMANCE Of online as a shopping entity is leading to a concurrent rise in online ad spending and consumption: focusing on native advertising will leave you floundering though.

The highest spenders within TV advertising are e-commerce brands, while the UK is the single greatest spender online of any country in the world.

Therefore the correlation is distinct between online shopping success and that of effective TV advertising delivering it.

On average a TV advert generates an additional 33% organic traffic to your site, while is responsible for 67% long-term traffic returning to your website.

As a result e-commerce brands have utilised TV to drive traffic to their sites, knowing that TV provides the ultimate response driving and brand awareness stimuli.

Amazon for instance increased their TV ad spend by 39% last year, while online brands as a whole increased their TV investment by eight-per-cent.

Ultimately cookies and search data can drive your company to the device of the consumer, but the efficiency of both DRTV and brand response advertising cannot be rivalled by native online advertising.

This is epitomised by the lack of physical presence of online brands, which unlike their high-street rivals have an exterior image that generates a degree of inherent credibility over e-commerce brands.

A presence on TV ensures your advertising performance increases, with greater credibility and reach.
A presence on TV ensures your advertising performance increases, with greater credibility and reach.

TV is the most effective means of eliciting instant sales, as well as forging brand resonance, which is imperative to online only brands as they look to generate trust with their consumers.

Emotively as you look to develop the connections that distinguish you from rival brands, the importance of the creative and the nuances that consumers will relate to are manifest.

TV on average strikes an emotional chord with 58% of the viewing public, with online generating similar emotions on just six-per-cent of occasions.

Furthermore with online, importance of brand is accentuated through the lack of public visibility, consequently utilising TV to boost long term affirmation and upscaling is integral to the performance of your business in an increasingly saturated market.

When algorithms on Google will shape the fate of your websites ranking for consumers, aside from your own internal PPC and retargeting campaigns, TV will provide the imperative word-of-mouth and online conversation that will proliferate the performance of your ad.

TV ads drove conversation face-to-face on 53% of occasions last year, while more pertinently drove conversation online in 26% of instances.

By contrast native online material delivered just nine-per-cent engagement through word-of-mouth and just seven online.

Therefore to instil the optimal multiplier effect and ensure both short and long-term performance is maximised, ensuring the core of your campaign is delivered through TV will ensure you create organic, direct traffic that can be attributable at times where marketers desire transparency and measurability.

By aligning data driven metrics to your ads you can track the increase in impressions, conversions and sales realtime.

Although linear TV buying does not always offer realtime attribution, on average companies enjoy profit increases of 140% if operating a branded campaign for a three year period.

This will provide your brand with the greatest ROI compared to any other form of advertising.

By adopting a poly-content philosophy you can achieve added resonation and credibility with your online ads due to the connotational links to TV.

By revolving all your campaigns around your initial TV ad, inherent credibility will boost the receptiveness of your consumers.
By revolving all your campaigns around your initial TV ad, inherent credibility will boost the receptiveness of your consumers.

This inherent credibility ensures that when your consumers engage with your business or further ads from you for the first time, you will ensure your ads are more trustworthy and relatable.

Furthermore by generalising your content to revolve around the most credible and recognisable entity in advertising, your consumers are more likely to respond to any response campaigns you may run.

Although brand recognition and long-term response are vastly increased through marrying TV to all brands-especially e-commerce ones- DRTV can ensure you also deliver the instant sales rises that illustrate the performance of your campaigns.

Crucially in this instance though it is that association that will also play a pivotal role in the contextual affirmation between your consumers and your brand.

If you focus on simply matching your audience to when they are watching TV as a whole, you will ultimately lose up to 30% in sales due to poor contextual planning, diminishing your entire performance levels.

Although other cognitive factors such as mood cannot be predetermined on TV as of yet, your creative can ultimately shift this if curated and broadcast in a complimentary fashion to the tone of program your ad is sold to.

Space City has been producing TV, online and radio commercials for 25 years, maintaining close relationships with media buyers like Guerillascope to maximise the effectiveness of your ad.

Contact the team now and grow your business no matter what the sector by up to 140% in three years.

HOW We advertise is becoming increasingly scale dependant, with this in mind the catalyst to emerging as a market leader continues to be neglected.

Creative content does not necessarily mean the script or style of the ad itself.

Of course producing more entertaining or inspiring content that connects emotively with the consumer assists the potency, efficiency and overall success of the campaign, but in order to distinguish yourselves from your competition, applying academic research to your ads is imperative.

For instance the shift towards more entertaining ads has been precipitated by the rise in data driven, more personalised ads; condemning the effectiveness of ads that focus on persuasion, therefore to continue a shift towards emotive advertising, instilling further stimuli to ads is key to the success of both your online and TV marketing.

How you execute this though has to be driven by the quality of the footage, how its edited and formatted and the platforms you are utilising.

Therefore to advertise in a fashion that can override a consumers natural rejection of advertising material, you have to employ science to your creative and subsequent post-produciton.

For instance the effective implementation of contrast, breaks, pauses and transition statistically provide 20% increases in responses to the ad.

Effective in this case is entirely objective to your content, however utilising a more pronounced pause prior to your end-board or final frame is integral to reiterating your lasting brand image to consumers.

Ensuring you engage your audience through an entertaining, contextual message and maintain focus is how you should advertise.
Ensuring you engage your audience through an entertaining, contextual message and maintain focus is how you should advertise.

Should you deploy just a simple transition to your final board you leave your audience cognitively in the same contextual mindset as the previous element of the ad, in order to seamlessly shift between your emotive content and your final brand message the post production has to be distinct and creative.

Stating this so subjectively of course is not eminently helpful, the creative ultimately resides in the trust of your production company, how they conceptualise your brand into a succinct and aesthetically inspiring ad has to be delivered contextually.

Combining context with all the other ancillary variables that will ultimately assist with the delivery of your ad is integral to optimal, cost-effective, efficient production.

For instance in terms of making your ad more affirming music is a ubiquitous trait toward growing reach, with 20% more responses to ads.

It is how and why the music is being infused into your ad that will exonerate it from the competition.

According to Thinkbox, ads that used music to drive your call-to-action witnessed 14% increases in brand retention when compared to those who did not.

Thus rather than just using music contextually within the entirety of your ad, deploying it to help mobilise and invigorate your overall brand message will enthuse its long-term efficiency.

Furthermore and vital particularly if you are producing a brand response or generic branded campaign, ensuring that your core brand message is conveyed later in a broadcast will be imperative to optimised resonance and retention.

Ads that continue to ad further vital brand information and context after an initial connection is made will witness a 30% decline in actual consumption.

Therefore in order to maintain focus after this period, the usage of transition and pauses will be integral to you maximising the impact of your end board.

By delivering your overall brand message to early you will subliminally rescind the connection you have generated with your consumers, wasting airtime and reducing your cost-per-conversion ratio.

Entertaining and selling, while exploiting your audience utilising the internet will be key to how you advertise.
Entertaining and selling, while exploiting your audience utilising the internet will be key to how you advertise.

The ultimately key though to enhanced resonation is the allying of these principles to brand reiteration.

By uttering your business name and associating it with the connotations created within the creative, you are likely to elicit nine-per-cent greater responses after your end-board, integral to successful DRTV.

Conversely the need to execute this while also delivering any audio message with visual replication is irrefutable.

Combining this with an aligned message will ensure that your brand retention will increase by a further seven-per-cent.

Considering that on average consumers use the internet on their phones for 39 minutes-per-day while watching TV, the potential to decrease your cost-per-sale is stark should you activate online campaigns simultaneously .

Furthermore with an emotive context underpinning the success of your ads, any call-to-action you desired from an ad will also be intrinsically brand driven, ensuring that direct response as a singularly entity will only be necessary for modular promotions.

Space City has been producing TV, online and radio ads for 25 years, ensuring that scale of audience and contextual creative are prioritised to maximise responses and long-term resonance.

Contact the team now and take advantage of the DaVinci Grading Software that can deliver Hollywood aesthetics and results for under £10,000.

DATA Is continuing to shape the way we advertise as the shift to data driven, targeted advertising facilitates increased access to TV.

While a derivative of online, it is paradoxically an innovation that can only be truly exploited by the seemingly rival entity that is TV.

Moreover TV itself is dependant on the success and implementation of transparent, credible and attributable means of display and analysis within online to improve its own reach in future campaigns.

As the clamour for entertaining or inspirational content that resonates emotively comes to the fore, the shift to branded content does not have to mean the neglect of targeted, data intrinsic advertising.

The antithesis in fact is pertinent to successful, cost-effective ad curation in the current age.

Within a continually evolving paradigm where the shift towards personalisation, voice recognition and laser tracking within digital, the clamour towards providing bespoke content that can provide audience which is likely to purchase is manifest.

Consequently the success of more linear, brand and DRTV content that is disseminated via TV has been underestimated.

While remaining pivotal to the short and long-term success of businesses of all sizes, the lack of realtime attribution and actionable data has lead to an ever increasing online spend.

Data driven advertising will ensure you can marry  the power of TV with the measurability of digital.
Data driven advertising will ensure you can marry the power of TV with the measurability of digital.

While the effectiveness of online is eclipsed by TV, with 51% of all optimum business effects accrued by TV, the ad spend for TV accounts for 36% of overall budgets.

Therefore with the priority shifting with both marketers and consumers towards personalised content, stimuli that could be engaged with in a complimentary fashion to when consumers are looking to purchase offers unbridled appeal to businesses and marketers.

However amid the post-Brexit vote the expected decline in consumer spending did not materialise, with low interest rates precluding any shift towards saving.

As a result the unceasing rise in online ad spend continued, while success of DRTV and branded content continued un-abating.

However amid more potentially stable fiscal patterns post-election on June 8, business confidence, strength of currency and wages should ultimately increase in line with inflation.

Therefore with a more stable, potentially stabilised economy amid the certainty of having a steadfast fiscal plan for five years as appose to three, interest rates will rise in tandem, precipitating a rise in consumer savings.

Consequently the rise in data driven advertising, focusing on the individual or language that resonates with those interested in a given product or service can prove more lucrative.

Although linear DRTV will enjoy a renaissance of sorts, the data driven means of attracting your consumers through TV will provide more risk averse solutions, particularly if you are looking to tether your advertising spend.

Given the success of corresponding PPC campaigns to both your sales increases and inventory gathering, eliminating this element from your marketing portfolio would be detrimental, especially in a brand awareness sense too.

Thus to provide a conservative approach that can be actuated and deliver to a specific output of person specification, at a prescribed time that correlates with your data, utilising interactive, addressable and programmatic means can offer the best of both scenarios without the risk of not delivering.

By choosing this means- especially as a first-time TV advertiser- you not only will have the optimal gauge of what content resonates and elicits sales, but when it does and how it does so.

Furthermore the unrivalled inventory that can be generated and used within your CRM will assist with further KPI achievement online.

Additionally such data and knowledge in the form of an initial test will assist with the curation of any future data driven, addressable campaigns or whether a more linear campaign would be beneficial.

Data driven ad campaigns will facilitate the ability to grow your inventory and attribute success realtime.
Data driven ad campaigns will facilitate the ability to grow your inventory and attribute success realtime.

While the core benefits of this technique though are to essentially create the levels of control and transparency seen within online campaigns, allying this technique to TV ensures that the upscaling and multiplier effect on and offline will occur.

Therefore unlike online where content originating from there provides further engagement in 14% of cases, TV provides it in 53%, ensuring that the credibility of TV still ensures a degree of upscaling despite the more personalised metrics of this technique of advertising.

Through this means you can tether your reach and ad spend proportionately, ensuring that regardless of the success of the campaign you can determine how much you spend and how successful your commercials can be.

Particularly if you are a start-up or SME, often the upscaling on offer from linear TV can be so great you do not have the feasibility to keep up with increased demand, with data driven, interactive advertising you dictate with your media buyer when and where your ad displayed.

As a result TV remains relevant to all businesses, with 75% of those utilising interactive means new to TV completely.

Thus to improve your KPIs and sales as a whole online, your campaign will need to be augmented by TV, enabling your online operations to harvest your data.

Space City has been producing TV, online and radio adverts for 25 years incorporating new means of digital advertising to increase your brand reach further.

Contact the team now and ensure you maximise the increased business and consumer confidence the potential election will create.



ELECTION Fever is gripping the UK once more after Theresa May’s announcement that we will once again return to the polling stations on June 8.

Although primarily a ploy to strengthen the Prime Minister’s mandate to deliver Brexit in her desired vision, it will ultimately provide long and short-term stability for both her credibility and your business.

While the ongoing uncertainty prevails concerning the ultimately destiny of our fiscal state, reticence has been emerging within businesses in turn with consumers, with the unprecedented ambiguity of the UK’s future.

However with the mere emergence of a rhetoric and means of governance that will have irrefutable credence post June 8, businesses can at least be more secure in the knowledge that the PM’s plan for the UK will be a five-year one at the very least, not one at risk from disruption in three.

A more long-term safeguarding of fiscal planning, will enable the Prime Minister to inhabit more negotiating leverage with the EU, in the knowledge the implementation or planning of any new business or finance related statutes will be more permanent.

While an election campaign and the ensuing poll analysis that follows will potentially cause further volatility, the short-term volatility to will affect mainly currency.

Although the FTSE was shaken by the election announcement, any losses will plateau if the plan is verified by Parliament.

As a result any potential losses to currency will be temporal and transient at worst given the positive reaction to today’s initial statement.

Theresa May's snap election will provide your business with enhanced stability.
Theresa May’s snap election will provide your business with enhanced stability.

Post-election, with increased resolve for whichever fiscal route will be adopted, currency will only strengthen as certainty and clarity envelopes the UK other the course of 2017.

Therefore as wholesale costs decrease, increases in inflation should be arrested in the long-term, as more stability and subsequent wage rises mirror that of inflation.

As a result both consumer spending and saving will increase, boosting interest rates and the economy as a whole.

Thus when it comes to invigorating your advertising on both TV and online, utilising the most effective stimulus in marketing to grow your business can be more effective singularly than ever before.

Even with rises in inflation and reduced consumer spending, techniques emerging within from online advertising have increasingly been augmenting TV too, enabling branded content to elicit an even greater impact.

However with a relative preclusion of DRTV in a traditional sense, more ad investment would have needed to be plied into interactive or addressable advertising to provide a more complimentary solution to consumer spending habits.

With the potential for more flexible consumer, a balance between DRTV and brand response ads is facilitated once more.

Focusing on brand provides you with the long-term resonance that will boost your sales for years to come, while creating an unbridled multiplier effect.

You are nearly four times as likely to talk about an ad you saw on TV face-to-face with someone than you are with an online ad, according to TV Nation, ensuring that your future online sales and upscaling possibilities are enhanced with TV.

Moreover you are 37% more likely to discuss an ad you viewed on TV, online, compared to an online original ad.

Therefore to enchant new audiences and have the scope to upscale in the future, ensuring TV is the catalyst of your campaign is imperative.

Enhanced stability post-election will provide your DRTV ads with a boost.
Enhanced stability post-election will provide your DRTV ads with a boost.

Although online is the most effective harvester of your audiences and helps you boost KPIs such as impressions, conversions, newsletter sign-ups and sales as a whole, it is inhibited without the power of TV.

Conversely TV’s impact is reduced without the partnership with online, given its ability to provide unbridled, realtime targeting that can also assist with your inventory procurement.

While DRTV and the innovations in addressable advertising are providing solutions that can also increase your audience understanding, the cost is relatively high in comparison to the organic business analysis you can undertake while attributing success.

Ultimately though, with today’s election call providing renewed optimism concerning the fiscal stability of the UK, attributing the success of your campaigns can once more be a priority.

DRTV provides more efficient and contemporary attribution for your ads, which in age where the clamour for instant accountability is manifest your directors and superiors may well be inclined to.

Brand response’s success will of course remain unhindered, with the patience necessary for the prolonged delivery of a BRTV campaign facilitated in the wake of the potential stability created by today’s election call.

Space City has been producing TV, online and radio ads for 25 years, increasing business output regardless of the financial situation.

Contact the team now and create your proactive advertising solution ahead of any fiscal improvement through 2017.

MOBILE Is increasingly pivotal to the success of your advertising reach, it can also save on your creative costs as well.

With the respective power and prowess TV and online have respectively, through their abilities to enchant and stimulate in the case of the former and harvest and nurture in the case of the latter, combining the two is becoming a ubiquitous theme.

However in the perpetually transient world of advertising, innovations continue to cultivate fresh competition between businesses, agencies and platforms alike.

While display has perennially been an issue for online content, ensuring your consumers have actually viewed your ads and still attempting to quantify your campaigns, your pursuit of advertising perfection can be garnered while saving money.

Often content displayed on TV is rarely delivered utilising identical versions, with native advertising being favoured by many marketeers as they strive to optimise their chosen platforms.

However amid a time where emotive advertising is continuing to deliver more long-term success for businesses omni-sector, producing creative that can calibrate with mobile devices will slash your marketing budgets.

Whereas previously to maximise both your TV and online markets you would create bespoke content, merely offering segments of your TV ad online and on mobile will facilitate a recognisable and viscerally similar experience across your marketing platforms.

Ultimately the objective of branded content is to create a platform for long-term resonation and sales success, breeding emotive connections that are inherently underpinned by the trust and credibility TV generates.

Utilising the emotive credibility of TV within your mobile ads will provide instant resonance and increase sales potential.
Utilising the emotive credibility of TV within your mobile ads will provide instant resonance and increase sales potential.

As a result you want the stimulus and resonance created to be subjective and uninterpretable.

Such issues will ultimately arise though if your content differs from platform-to-platform, if a narrative is different the whole dimension of your ad shifts, creating a whole new experience for your potential consumers.

Thus to expedite such issues, providing advertising that can situate within mobile, TV and tablet devices is realistic and imperative if you are to upscale and provide an organic multiplier effect.

Although you are investing in ad space across a variety of channels, the levels of media spend necessary to make the impact that this form of advertising generates would be inefficient in comparison.

On average the more you spend on media, the greater your efficiency will be, however in this instance an increased media spend would be counter productive to what you can produce organically.

Investments in mobile advertising are growing faster than any other online advertising platform, with it growing by 18% last year, compared to the increases of 1.6% found in TV.

Although distorted, the emphasis is clear: if you want to produce cost-effective advertising campaigns for all devices you have to ensure it provides versatility.

Moreover the power of TV as the initial stimulus delivers 29% more organic conversations online and 51% more organic conversations offline.

Thus by utilising a device which is used by 93% of the population, whether you are looking to target using addressable, targeted means or deliver a more linear TV campaign, framing your content around mobile will be essential to upscaling through cognitive resonation.

Furthermore by exploiting the credibility of TV and the fact that 26% more people trust it compared to online, you have the optimum PR tool to underpin your campaigns.

As long as you provide the reference to TV in your mobile ads, you will be toasting improved efficiency and reach.
As long as you provide the reference to TV in your mobile ads, you will be toasting improved efficiency and reach.

Calibrating your online ads around the stimuli of TV will provide credibility not otherwise seen online.

As a result your ads can provide similar lead generation compared to TV itself, well also harvesting your consumers through the analytics and transparency of online consumption.

Although not transparent in the sense of PPC campaigns, if displayed in the form of banner ads or allied to Youtube, you can provide the credibility and regulative connotations while saving on marketing spend.

Similarly using mobile centric call-to-actions within segments of your ad will further incentivise engagement online and provide a attributable means of increasing your inventory for future campaigns.

Honda are adopting such means to deliver campaigns that will boost KPI achievement and assist with diversifying their appeal.

Within times in the UK where consumer spending may be compromised impulsively, intrinsically engaging your potential consumers with easily recognisable, branded content will provide long-term efficiency that saves on your creative cost.

Space City has been producing bespoke TV, online and radio commercials for 25 years, maximising the visual and cognitive stimuli to enchant more than your desired consumer base.

Contact the team now and maximise the entities you need to affect with versatile content that continues to deliver.



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