6 ways to maximise addressable advertising

10th February 2017

6 WAYS to exploit the latest advertising sensation that is addressable: thankfully it is not hard to address.

Over the last two years addressable advertising has enjoyed remarkable growth, in terms of campaigns that are built around it.

Spend on such campaigns doubled in 2016 and is expected to carry on increasing with the ease of accessibility that it has.

With inventory increasing year-on-year concurrently with the technology and interface enabling addressable to be possible on a mass scale.

That in itself is an oxymoron of the entire purpose of addressable advertising, with the concept enacted to limit wasted ad spend, only focusing and broadcasting to those who find relevance with a particular product or service.

Thus our first point of 6 is to ensure you know exactly who your audience is and how to target them.

If for instance you are selling home insurance, you need to ensure that you are targeting homeowners, not renters, students or such devices where you cannot ascertain the status of the person targeted.

Conversely having the ability to target a large enough pool of people that will make commercial sense.

Our 6 tips towards maximising addressable will ensure you prioritise your budget and direction appropriately.
Our 6 tips towards maximising addressable will ensure you prioritise your budget and direction appropriately.

Therefore having in place ample inventory; whether that be in-house or outsourced from an independent provider is imperative to the delivery of an effective addressable campaign.

Furthermore ensuring- especially in the wake of the Vizio scandal and the furtive use of private information gathered via their software, that you ensure that appropriate permission has been granted by the individual.

Given the commercial ramifications and loss of consumer trust, it is not in your company’s nor the industries as a whole to aim to conceal such practises, however often it is undertaken.

Linking to our 2nd point of 6,  your need to know what you seek to achieve, or at least your priorities for the outcomes of the ads has to be clear.

When targeting to such specific audiences ensure the message you convey to those broadcasted to is subjective and unambiguous.

Therefore running an online campaign to prefix your TV one is imperative, so to ascertain the communicative devices or ways in which your audience will be receptive to the ad.

Without search research, however aesthetically pleasing and well targeted it may, you may not create the resonance or brand affirmation necessary for your campaign to have longevity and maximum ROI.

While the need to establish what you desire in terms of KPI achievement from the ad will be vital, especially in post-production when call-to-action mechanisms are being imposed.

If for instance you are looking for brand response mechanisms, ensuring that your ad is focused upon online engagement and reiterating your company name in an organic fashion, that can enable for it to be integrated in the long-term memories of your potential consumers.

Therefore ensure you have the budgetary capacity to deal with the maximum potential output of your campaign.

With addressable you ultimately do not know how much your spend will be, it is dependant real-time on your configured audience watching the TV.

Therefore second-by-second analysis of your campaign is not yet possible in terms of automation.

Our 3rd point of 6 is as thus: to eliminate certain broadcast slots systematically whereby you block periods of time where you campaign is not enacted, saving on costs.

Of course you could ultimately lose out on potential sales through this means, but by collaborating with your data providers and MSO you can ensure your spend is optimised.

If executed efficiently, the cost-effectiveness of your entire campaign can further optimise the success of TV as an advertising entity.

To further your ultimate reach though, cost does not intrinsically increase, in terms of cost it is a smaller audience which costs more per-impression.

4th of our 6 points then is to know pin-point your campaign towards particular times of  the month/year which correlate with heightened spending.

Like with traditional, demographic or slot based advertising, selecting particular blocks where your ad could engage with your audience be appropriate to the audience you are appealing to.

If your segment does not have correlative pay-days or overall socio-demographic traits, it is imperative that your buying segment is more fragmented, not bulk.

As a result you will not be waiting any longer than necessary for your campaign to deliver, as well as ensuring your targeting is as sympathetic to your audience as possible.

5th of our 6 points would be to prioritise the ad length that complements your desired ad style most effectively.

If for instance you are looking at a brand response campaign, or a first TV advertising campaign, focusing on longer-form ads which immerse the viewer in your brand is psychologically more efficient.

Shorter ads are extremely useful at reiterating points to already established brand ideas, acting merely as stimulus’ to the consumer.

Therefore if you are new to advertising, longer-form brand response campaigns will be imperative towards an upward long-term footing.

Ensuring you connect with your target audience is vital: our six steps can guide you to that.
Ensuring you connect with your target audience is vital: our six steps can guide you to that.

Our 6th and final point to cement successful execution of addressable advertising is to ensure you are creative and original to your niche.

Addressable does lend itself more to niche brands, therefore the need to utilise more established production companies that have delivered success across TV’s many guises as it evolves is crucial.

Therefore by producing your own material in-house would be discouraged.

Firstly the ability to create a piece of media which can be produced professionally and with  effectiveness in mind, cannot be produced subjectively.

The bias of in-house productions eliminates the consideration of creative ideas from outside of the company walls.

A professional company has worked with myriad companies, towards equally diverse briefs and creative requirements to work for them.

Space City has won more commissions than any other production company since 2001, laughing the successes of Moonpig, Money Supermarket, GoCompare and Envirofone to name but a few.

Contact the team now and see how addressable advertising has helped more start-up brands enjoy success with TV: the most effective advertising medium.



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