Brand response crucial amid targeting

22nd February 2017

BRAND Response advertising has morphed into its own ultimate genre of marketing, but with the sophistication of targeting present across TV online it is still vital to growth.

As well recently replacing the tendency for businesses to chose either a brand awareness or direct response one, this method has enabled companies to save on creative and media buying costs.

Inciting brand awareness is the most effective form of generating long-term sales and company retention, however without the response mechanism it is counter productive.

Media buyers and production companies have analysed the steady decline of these particular campaigns amid the ever growing desire for choice.

Within TV advertising’s early iterations the ability to enchant people with a brand identity was aided by the lack of competition within the visual media and the appropriated roles that TV and print had.

Amid the proliferation of online advertising and the promotions and choice that has bombarded the consumer, notwithstanding the emergence and growth of digital TV, the need to differentiate and offer versatility is stark.

By establishing an emotive and entertaining brand, you can use targeting to your advantage.
By establishing an emotive and entertaining brand, you can use targeting to your advantage.

With the growth in dependability, trust and most recently display in online advertising, TV has had to ensure its own niche USPs are being reinforced.

Historically the trust, scale and display the is generated by TV has maintained its overall superiority to online thus far, however the need to offer the aforementioned and more is continually evolving.

During the last few years the emergence and consumption of interactive and addressable ads has led to companies focusing on information and persuasion, as appose to the vital effectiveness drivers: emotion and entertainment.

Furthermore with the ability to target such specific individuals in advertising has lead to laziness of creative, inhibiting the ability for a given ad to succeed across more than one platform.

Ads that have the ability to inhabit the emotive traits to be successful in the impatient online viewing world, can transform the levels of success garnered through TV and online as a collective.

87 per cent of all consumed video is through TV, but the figure juxtaposes starkly when linked to that of content shared online from TV.

Only one of the ten most shared ads of 2016 were TV original, illustrating the lack of brand based advertising success.

Given the success of brand response advertising in terms of efficiency, spend effectiveness and ROI, it would be counter-productive to prioritise using targeted advertising simply to save money and improve measurability.

By targeting those who are potentially interested in your product or services using either smart TV tech or Sky AdSmart, it would be a waste of your paid spots to not try and entertain your viewer.

Due to the unpredictability of targeted advertising, whereby you do not pay for specific slots, you pay for when specific viewers turn their TV’s on.

Your brand will succeed with TV
Given the the lack of certainty of your scale, ensuring your brand is entertaining is imperative.

Thus given the ever-increasing competition and ability for your rival businesses to analyse how you advertise, it would be inefficient to not try and establish your niche.

Conversely, given the fact that consumers cannot hold more than five to seven separate thoughts in their short-term memories, the chances of long-term retention are limited.

Therefore amid the growing accessibility to those enchanted by the cost-effectiveness and ease of accountably online TV now has, it will pay long-term dividends to focus on brand response.

Direct response still has its place within advertising; supplementing existing campaigns and informing consumers about new promotions for instance, but the potential to take a challenger business further with TV has to begin with brand response.

Space City has produced myriad campaigns for TV and online, covering the brand and direct response remit.

Contact the team now and see how branded marketing can be cost effective and successful with TV.

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020 7371 4000

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