Linear advertising will increase your costs

20th July 2017

Linear advertising has perennially been associated with TV, however with online having asserted its authority it has also increased your costs

LINEAR Advertising online fundamentally is insidiously working to undermine your brand and will weaken resonation, trust and increase advertising costs.

Here’s how.

With the relentless clamour for accountability, measurability and transparency that online could offer in abundance when compared to TV, many flocked to its shores knowing their jobs could be made easier, not necessarily more rewarding.

Of course individual gratification besides, your business is heavily compromised by just online campaigns, whether PPC, banner or video.

As explored in our previous blog, the cognitive mindset when going online juxtaposes to that of TV, with a prerogative of convenience and choice prevalent online, one that does not lend itself to being emotionally enchanted by advertising.

Of course advertisers and brands know this and have installed campaigns that compliment this medium of advertising, with the unwavering evolution and innovation of new technology that has further enhanced the ability to target and display content of relevance.

While this may assist with click-through-rates and ultimately your business’ own designated conversion metrics, you are ultimately perfecting something, which when used in linear form, will carry little brand resonance.

The focus that can be conferred on the consumer is dictated by the quality and emotive weighting of the content disseminated.

However within a paradigm where instant gratification has been paramount and the desire for instant sales pressing, the patience of marketers to allow for more brand centric campaigns firmly fell by the wayside.

Ensuring that your advertising carries the versatility to resonate in a complimentary is imperative, yet inhibitory with linear advertising.
Ensuring that your advertising carries the versatility to resonate in a complimentary is imperative, yet inhibitory with linear advertising.

 With results being delivered from a response perspective, online, the incentive for businesses to gamble on a means of advertising that did not carry instant results, nor the ability to accurately measure them was void.

Therefore we have seen a shift away from not necessarily brand driven ads online and on TV for that matter, but a deviation from what is integral to produce a branded advert that delivers for the long-term.

Notwithstanding the clamour for measurability, which has distorted the priorities of marketers during the digital revolution, the lack of dynamism to the campaigns that have been released during this period has accentuated the countner-productivity of linear online advertising.

If your business is going to prioritise one medium over another then TV is the means of generating the interest necessary to ensure the affirmation, however as a combination TV and online are at their strongest for generating sales and harvesting the data subsequently accrued.

Thus amid a time where the very cornerstones of brand-driven advertising have been neglected: emotive stimulation, neural coupling, mirroring and communication, the efficiency of your campaigns will be suffering equally.

For every metric that you neglect within your advertising, the ability of your consumers to remember and retain your business is impaired.

Ultimately though the concept of branded advertising online is more greatly flawed than simply advertising in a linear fashion.

With the desire of consumers to be informed at their own convenience online, the disruptive nature of your ads cannot be circumvented by efficient means of display.

Of course the masses of data now privy to agencies, businesses and broadcasters alike ensures that the latest programmatic or server-side ad insertion can be optimised, providing the story-telling brand response that will enchant your next consumer base.

What is lacking though from this construct is the inherent inefficiency of brand-driven advertising online.

Upon breaking from linear advertising, the focus of your campaigns has to be
Upon breaking from linear advertising, the focus of your campaigns has to be enforcing communication through TV.

Notwithstanding the mindset that stymies the efficiency and consumption of linear online ads, the natural clamour for convenience online, as appose to more objective viewing through TV, ensures that patience to immerse oneself fully in the entire ethos of the campaign is inhibited.

With costs initially reduced it seems through online display and pre-rolled video, the lack of efficiency and scope for impact renders your ad redundant.

While online has become more expensive in real terms to deliver payback, TV has continued to evolve and lower costs thanks to its own programmatic offerings and inherent emotive, affirmative qualities.

Therefore by directing budget back to TV to support online – and not stopping it altogether – your business can truly compliment what your consumers desire from advertising and associate it with cathartics and not disruptiveness.

Through advertising omni-platform you can utilise the respective advertising metrics to optimise consumer generation and harvesting – the two are weaker when being undertaken in a linear fashion.

By utilising the two most lucrative forms of advertising you can lower your advertising costs immeasurably, depending on the creative execution, on average though you will enjoy gains of at least 80% (IPA research).

Space City has been producing TV, online and radio campaigns for 25 years, utilising the omni-platform approach to improve efficiency and lower overall costs.

Contact the team now and you can utilise emotive TV advertising to lower your CPC rate by 140%.

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