Link your ad campaigns to online activity

23rd March 2017

ONLINE Activity is continuing to shape the behaviour of marketeers as they seek optimal frequency and ROI.

Although TV advertising remains the the strongest form of advertising, it can be enhanced further through simple, free research.

TV has made great strides in attempting to calibrate the metrics of analysing and attributing ads to TV, notwithstanding the irrefutable superior cost-effectiveness.

Both online and TV have inhibited themselves to a degree by not maximising the resources at their disposal.

Online, although extremely effective at harvesting consumers and ensuring they remain engaged with certain channels, its innate ability to deliver content towards exacting users has not been replicated with calibration and display.

The ongoing furore regarding the appearance of certain ads with alleged extremist content has lead to mass migration from online, with Marks and Spencer, Verizon and AT+T among those suspending activity.

This flawed interface can be remedied by utilising branded content from your TV ads, delivering the fledgling credibility that has departed online.

TV’s inherent credibility derived from the stringent regulation and appraisal ads have to undergo before broadcast, can readdress the declining faith in online.

Although spend has been higher amongst brands, with online activity continuing to proliferate, it should be plied towards retargeting and profiling specific genres that will resonate with your consumers online, as appose to relying purely on cookie data.

Retargeting and advertising consumers on TV while online activity is high will proliferate sales.
Retargeting and advertising consumers on TV while online activity is high will proliferate sales.

Thus TV can follow suit to accommodate the growth of online.

Although seemingly counterintuitive towards growing TV, it ultimately will grow the ad spend on omni-platform TV, given the reliability and efficiency it generates online.

Conversely to online, when looking at an ad on Youtube you are engaged to customised content at that moment, TV is using similarly intuitive metrics to automate campaigns that trigger with activity.

The rise in programmatic, interactive and addressable advertising has enabled businesses to match inventory to determine when ads are broadcast.

Such control and transparency regarding guaranteed airtime and spend has cajoled new businesses to TV advertising, utilising its efficiency to enjoy the power of TV advertising.

While this in theory has provided the best of both worlds: the trust and scale of TV with the measurability and attribution of online, it has only delivered on some of its potential.

This signifies a watershed moment for advertising as a whole: the continued growth of TV and an emerging synergy between it and online that will precipitate prolonged expansion of the industry.

Thus for TV to truly maximise the growing co-dependance between it and online, steps will have to be taken to calibrate your next TV ad with the times’ when your consumers are engaging in online activity.

Generally speaking, according to our own data from Adalyser, more consumers were using other media devices and the web during the evening, particularly between 7pm and 10pm, although this is a heavily purchased time frame.

Demand for premium slots, especially in the context of attracting those who can instantly engage with your content conveniently, will lead to further increases in interactive advertising.

Any business desires the greatest reach for the lowest price, with the greatest chance of future engagement and sales, this cannot be achieved with online singularly.

In order to captivate audiences who either situate within your USP, or those who could be encapsulated by strong branded content through linear or on-demand, there needs to be cohesion to engage digitally.

Regardless of whether you are utilising a direct response or brand response ad, inserting online call-to-actions notifying viewers of how they could engage further with your business, will enhance you if you research when either millennials or your specific audience is likely to engage in online activity.

Knowing what's going on with activity will help.
Ensuring your tone and style guide are uniform across TV and online is crucial if you are to maximise activity.

The benefits of undertaking this manner of generating responses will of course be more relevant to DRTV and the desire for instant sales.

Thus if your business is modular and wants to focus on a particular demographic, focusing on interactive advertising through Sky Adsmart or other inventory allying means will assist with saving on costs and boosting sales.

Moreover this tact will only increase your brand awareness online and your abilities to retarget those who may have seen your ad.

Furthermore this will improve your attribution to the success of your respective campaigns: any corresponding campaign focusing on either PPC or video will be integrated and boost your KPI achievement.

If your content is more brand orientated, which is beneficial at a time where video sharing, gaining subscriptions, social media engagement is imperative, you can improve the efficiency of your content and improve navigation.

Thus timing your TV advertising to calibrate to when your audience is using other devices online, will yield increased efficiency and attribution, enabling both your online and TV campaigns to flourish and create prolonged scale and sales.

Space City has been producing TV and online ads for 25 years, including our own as we seek to increase our own reach and engagement.

Contact the team now and see your conversions increase by 72% or more with TV and Space City.




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