Memorability is vital to TV advertising

14th February 2017

MEMORABILITY Is as vital to successful TV advertising as media buying and call-to-action mechanisms.

If your ad is focused primarily around eliciting immediate responses from your audience, you are automatically eliminating 7/8ths from your potential reach, which can only be compensated through further airtime purchasing.

Of course a concerted effort will be necessary online to further the impact of your TV ad, but at far less damaging in cost compared to mass saturation.

Direct response in itself is proven to be effective in creating uplifts in sales and when your business is seasonally dependant for instance, the cost-effectiveness of it is more beneficial.

If for instance your company has annual dependancy on constant business flow, brand response and creative ads that will bypass short-term memory are essential.

Therefore memorability needs to be of paramount concern for marketeers across the business spectrum.

Ensuring memorability in your ads is crucial to cementing long-term success.
Ensuring memorability in your ads is crucial to cementing long-term success.

Ads that focus on brand resonation as appose to immediate sales elicitation will, over the course of a three year period, generate profit surges of 140%.

In contrast businesses that focus on campaigns that do not centre TV or long-term brand awareness at their core, will endure either profit stagnation or even profit reduction.

With the growing age of convergence and combining the resources of two or more juxtaposing entities, brand response marketing has followed this tact in an evolutionary form of the last 25 years.

From the burgeoning infancy of TV advertising as we know it, brand response marketing has grown in its consumption to the levels of that on par with DRTV.

Memorability is more difficult to garner with DRTV, with brand response marketing the tendency of agencies and production companies has been implementing an original brand ethos; a trademark and immersing the consumer emotively.

Emotion in advertising generically elicits the greatest business effects long-term: profit, sales, brand resonation, sign-ups, word of mouth for instance.

Universally profit increases by 39 per cent in the aftermath of campaigns that have emotion and memorability at their heart.

In contrast just 15 per cent of ads that focus on persuasion, thus direct response commercials that are selling directly to the consumer, as appose to entertaining and beguiling them are not as effective.

Efficiency too is also compromised with other forms of advertising, sales uplifts per-pound-spent carry twice the weight to that of DRTV.

By focusing on emotion and memorability over persuasion, your ads will succeed in the long-term.
By focusing on emotion and memorability over persuasion, your ads will succeed in the long-term.








Therefore to cement long-term stability and growth, brand response, which ultimately is the convergence of two successful advertising ploys: DRTV and brand awareness campaigning.

Thus within a paradigm where two mass media entities: online and TV, are working best when working with one another, converging the collective power of TV into one package offers the most cost-effective solution for businesses.

Previously when marketeers did not have the premise to place the two branches of TV advertising together- before the internet- using separate TV campaigns was necessary in order to measure there effectiveness.

In a time though where the digitisation and increasingly granular tendencies of data being offered are more readily available, the need to converge resources and cut advertising costs has been more prevalent.

Space City has specialised in all forms of advertising, including brand response, memorability driven campaigns over the last 25 years.

Contact the team now and see how the conceivers of the brand response campaigns of GoCompare, Moonpig and MoneySupermarket can launch your brand to new levels of success.



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