Use free marketing channels to boost ads

7th June 2017

FREE Advertising may seem something of an oxymoron, but with the data on offer from the  increasingly digitalised campaigns it certainly is not the case.

With the control you can have within your own business of online advertising campaigns; timing them to align with traffic levels, pertinence to your content, or even the systematic targeting of individuals who may have been watching your ad, is now completely possible.

Automation is intrinsically linked between your campaigns online and through TV, as a result it is realistic to assert that your non-paid for advertising can be organically optimised through the maximisation of the information provided from both your TV and online presence.

Therefore with the automated, programmatic advertising now on offer to your business as you seek to save money on your marketing budget, you can time your content as well PPC ads to align with the broadcast of any ads.

Ultimately a cost is incurred through employing someone to disseminate such posts, but the planning of PPC campaigns does also, notwithstanding the additional costs that are incurred through the implementation of them.

Therefore as you seek to maximise your advertising and marketing budgets collectively, utilising both the juxtaposing outputs and enabling them to compliment and increase the exposure of your company online and through word-of-mouth together, will serve to increase efficiency, reach and retention.

TV is such a remarkable success that you ultimately enjoy free advertising per se with the organic upscaling, which it provides through indexing, emotive resonation and clarity.

While this process is becoming not only easier, but more lucrative to your business, the strengths that serve to boost your campaign organically within TV can also boost your campaigns online.

The advantages of utilising your free advertising channels are only enhanced through the latest ad tech.
The advantages of utilising your free advertising channels are only enhanced through the latest ad tech.

Upscaling and retention is accrued through the emotive qualities of the ad, in turn with the brand reiteration; in the latter’s case you can provide it with your own social media interaction.

Although your content across the eclectic array of channels that exist now has to vary to a degree, you can ultimately utilise the power of semantics, your logo, overall brand quirks and the power of search to mobilise your brand further beyond TV.

While TV acts as the stimulus for your success, online is your most efficient harvester, thus the optimisation of your online channels is imperative if you are to supplant your competitors.

Depending on your business: whether it is in the retail, services, innovation, manufacturing or supply industry for instance, utilising the omni-data that is now available is crucial.

By exploiting the data you accrue before or during either your online or TV campaigns, your data analytics will state where your visit came from, the pages that were frequented, as well stating which form of advertising was responsible for the traffic.

As a consequence when you are engaging with followers and potentially your consumers, creating a single brand message or tone will serve to boost resonance and indexation.

Of course through social media posts that maximise language only, for instance on LinkedIn, utilising more brand focused jargon will ultimately improve visibility.

More so than ever though it is the presence of some form of B2B engagement that will increase impressions and boost click-through rates.

TV has inherent engagement that is perilously underexploited online.

Using LinkedIn in this instance you can accentuate the impact that TV has from a credibility point-of-view.

While users of the professional network are not ultimately their to be entertained, they are still customers, potential clients or decision makers that can be enlightened by your content.

Therefore with a focus on reiterating the credibility of your brand through its TV association on LinkedIn, a more visual affair is necessary to facilitate growth on platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

How you seek to infiltrate your free advertising tools has to differ to appeal to the juxtaposing audience needs.
How you seek to infiltrate your free advertising tools has to differ to appeal to the juxtaposing audience needs.

Shortened down versions of your ad can be made for no extra cost by production companies, which can ultimately be utilised on social media to improve retention.

With knowledge of when your creative will be played out, aligning it timing wise with your free social media engagement will mobilise your ads for more prolonged success.

Some take the tact to engage a call-to-action that encourages social media interaction, however utilising the language that drives your action will deliver improved CTRs.

For instance with Facebook and Twitter posts, you can optimise engagement through digital media, hashtags and key words.

By timing your own organic, free posts to compliment the power of search, your ability to enchant more sales success is improved.

Leaving it until well after your creative may have been broadcast will weaken the brand link and indexing; the stimulus should be seamless.

By timing your content to concurrently link with the uplifts created from the TV ads themselves, brand retention and indexing is statistically improved by nine-per-cent.

Space City has been producing TV, online and radio commercials for 25 years, creating more ads in that time than any other productions company.

Contact the team now and ensure your ad utilises the language and formatting that can mobilise your brand on TV and beyond.


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