Clearance for ads needs to be global

17th October 2017

Advertising clearance is mandatory for any ad going on TV, but with increasing doubts over online security, the clamour for universal clearance is palpable

CLEARANCE Of your adverts is imperative as you look to maximise spending and eliminate wastage, but how can the process be simplified?

Clearcast are the judiciary of your advertising creatives, ensuring that ads do not breach any laws or cause controversy.

With such vast and eclectic factors that affect advertising; any claims, contextual portrayals or stereotypes need to be addressed.

By not having a universal law or set of guidelines, the arbitrary influence on your adverts is rife in a global context, despite the efforts of domestic and international clearance bodies like Clearcast and the Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance.

While such conjecture and deliberation continues, your business is not only wasting valuable time in your production process, costing you time and potentially nominal costs, from an expansionist perspective you are perpetually hindered by the lack of universal clearance law or direction.

As a collective industry, the obligation to deliver lower costs and a more consistent and uniformed level of ethics should be a prerequisite, but is not possible with the current bureaucracy.

Although collaborations continue to occur between the aforementioned bodies concerning legal and general copy production advice, helping brands conform to the respective national entities, a lack of universal advice ensures that more dialogue, time and money has to be spent on specific clearance.

With various social, cultural and legal nuances affecting the respective broadcast rights and ad guidelines, by instigating a global pact and concordat, your business can facilitate globalised advertising in a unilateral and unfettered fashion.

Taking an internationalist approach to clearance will lower costs.
Taking an internationalist approach to clearance will lower costs.

Although hardly a tangible ambition, by lobbying agencies, broadcasters, and bodies such as the GALA, steps can be taken to work towards achieving coming goals; metanarratives of advertising per se that can be developed upon to provide further clarity and disambiguation.

Currently if you want to advertise in countries around the world; instil a global brand message; one not dominated by financial, cultural or geographical nuances, your business can seek the advice and tutorials of experts at Clearcast.

While this can provide your business with the specific guidance on how to deliver compliant ads within individual countries, it still requires differing guidance and time to discuss the respective differences.

To strive for conformity, your business will ultimately enjoy stark reductions in cost, notwithstanding expedited advertising creatives that have been further facilitated by the continuing collaboration between TV and online.

With addressable inventory increasing annually, programmatic software that is ensuring online-esque delivery for TV ads, businesses now have the capacity to collaborate with myriad broadcasters and inventory providers worldwide to deliver more cost-effective advertising.

Having a more productive output globally ensures that the competitive incentive from both the respective countries, regulatory bodies and broadcasters to innovate, mitigate and provide more accessible routes to advertising, ensures your business has the capacity to boost productivity.

Moreover, given the desire for international authorities to deliver more accessible solutions for you to do business, logistically at least barriers should be removed that may currently inhibit your company from expanding globally – if it is in the interests of the countries’ concerned.

With increased collaboration comes uplifts in exposure, thus the potential for commercial gains.

Through partnering with international bodies, clearance will be improved and brand prestige.
Through partnering with international bodies, clearance will be improved and brand prestige.

By sharing financial burdens, providing emotive and financial incentives to consumers and businesses, you improve the indexation of your business within the minds of consumers.

From a national perspective it is imperative to have definitive and unambiguous brand ideologies and visions, by having a global output with differing creative tacts thanks to varying regulations, your chances of global expansion are stymied.

Thus a clear drive from all concerned with advertising is needed urgently, if the increasingly convergence centric ad placement and delivery world is to be complimented by clearance and legal protection.

With competition more vociferous than ever in all the aforementioned areas, it is now the imperative for your business to strive for not only more emotive, humourous and empowering adverts, but the clearance that will facilitate a global advertising tact, not simply geo-centric ones.

Having a direction that strives for compromise and psychological appeal should also assist with the disillusioning of stereotypes in advertising – something that the IPA and ASA are encouraging.

Space City has been producing TV, online and radio adverts for 25 years, continuing to encourage global facilitation through in-house editing software and close relationships with Clearcast.

Contact the UK’s number one producers of cost-effective TV commercials now and ensure your business saves money on your next advert.


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